Todd Wyrick, Minister of Youth at First Presbyterian Church of Midland, has been keeping us posted on developments as he, 65 junior high students and 10 adult leaders embarked upon the 2008 edition of Mystery Ramble. Their experiences have provided material for Postcards From the Edge, Todd's online journal of FPC's 2008 summer program, specifically journeys by our youth as they travel Texas and the United States in service and ministry, in fellowship and fun.
And now they are home, safe and sound ... and more than a little tired from their journey. We are thankful for that ... and we are especially thankful for the adult leaders who devoted A LOT of their time and energy to chaperoning two buslaods of teenagers for the better part of a week ... now THAT is something special.
Around Midland and around the world, loving and leading all people to deeper life in Jesus Christ.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Prayers of Thanksgiving: Mystery Ramble
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Prayers of Thanksgiving: Blogging for Fair Havens
"THANKS!" to everyone who - right here and right now - joined our mission team, and helped share the love of Jesus Christ in the Tall City, doing their part to make Blogging for Fair Havens such a success.
As of this morning, the 24-hour event had raised $10,554 (and counting) for the local transitional housing facility, exceeding the goal that had been set while the blogathon was in its planning stages.
Thanks to Jimmy of Sticky Doorknobs, who organized this year's event.
Thanks to the members of West Texas' blogging community who provided virtual and actual support for this year's event - Jimmy, J.P. of Bleu Chocolate, Wallace of Streams, George of Sleepless In Midland, Janie of Sounding Forth and Ospurt of Opus Musings and Jessica's Well.
Thanks to Eric at Fire Ant Gazette. It is Eric who provided the original inspiration and direction for this annual event, and is deserving of some of the credit for this year's success.
Thanks to all the media for their participation - television, radio, newspaper ... they were all represented at some point or another during the blogathon, and doing their part to raise awareness and funds.
Thanks to the Fair Havens staff and volunteers who supported our efforts and contributed so much of the sweat equity needed to build a successful fundraising effort.
And A VERY BIG THANKS to the people of West Texas - and beyond! - who dug down and contributed $10,554 (and counting) to this year's blogathon. "Thanks!" hardly seems adequate for acknowledging how the donors came through ... but there it is, nonetheless.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
BfFH: Ospurt's Turn .....
The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way, and we hope you'll be a part of the fun and the fundraising. The actual/virtual event takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

BfFH: Janie's Turn .....
The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way, and we hope you'll be a part of the fun and the fundraising. The actual/virtual event takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

BfFH: George's Turn .....
The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way, and we hope you'll be a part of the fun and the fundraising. The actual/virtual event takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

BfFH: Wallace's Turn
The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way, and we hope you'll be a part of the fun and the fundraising. The actual/virtual event takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

BfFH: Handing Off
I hope you will follow the progress of this event, through their words and images.
Blogging for Fair Havens takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

This faith-based organization gives women in a broken relationship a place to call home for a couple of years while they find their way again. It gives them and it gives their children a security they may have never had. And it gives the women who are taken in an opportunity to achieve a higher education so that when they do complete the program, they can go out on their own and be the success many of them know they can be.
A good cause, providing for a genuine need in our community ... and it shouldn't be any surprise that a wide variety of West Texas' blogging community wants to do their part to help. They will include Jimmy of Sticky Doorknobs, J.P. Hearn of Bleu Chocolate, Wallace Craig of Streams, George Johns of Sleepless In Midland, Janie Snelson of Sounding Forth and Ospurt of Jessica's Well.
You can go to the Blogging for Fair Havens link for a bloggers schedule, as well as a preview of everything else going on during this very-special 24 hours.
BfFH: Media Coverage

A late night anchoring KMID-TV's news desk notwithstanding, Mel Hudman was here bright and early, doing his part to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause. Mr. Hudman (shown with this year's blogathon organizer, Jimmy Patterson), did his part on the microphone, then shot video of the event for a television news report.
Thanks, Mel!
The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way in the parking lot of the Midland H.E.B. I've just wrapped-up an hour of blogging at ArchaeoTexture, and I am now in the midst of an hour of blogging at West Texas Missioner.
Blogging for Fair Havens takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

This faith-based organization gives women in a broken relationship a place to call home for a couple of years while they find their way again. It gives them and it gives their children a security they may have never had. And it gives the women who are taken in an opportunity to achieve a higher education so that when they do complete the program, they can go out on their own and be the success many of them know they can be.
A good cause, providing for a genuine need in our community ... and it shouldn't be any surprise that a wide variety of West Texas' blogging community wants to do their part to help .....
We hope you will, too ... won't you join our team?
You can go to the Blogging for Fair Havens link for a bloggers schedule, as well as a preview of everything else going on during this very-special 24 hours.
BfFH: Putting the "Fun" in Fundraising

BfFH: Join the Team

The 2008 edition of Blogging for Fair Havens is now under way in the parking lot of the Midland H.E.B. I've just wrapped-up an hour of blogging at ArchaeoTexture, and I am now in the midst of an hour of blogging at West Texas Missioner.
Blogging for Fair Havens takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

This faith-based organization gives women in a broken relationship a place to call home for a couple of years while they find their way again. It gives them and it gives their children a security they may have never had. And it gives the women who are taken in an opportunity to achieve a higher education so that when they do complete the program, they can go out on their own and be the success many of them know they can be.
A good cause, providing for a genuine need in our community ... and it shouldn't be any surprise that a wide variety of West Texas' blogging community wants to do their part to help .....
We hope you will, too ... won't you join our team?
You can go to the Blogging for Fair Havens link for a bloggers schedule, as well as a preview of everything else going on during this very-special 24 hours.
BfFH: Taking the Handoff .....
Blogging for Fair Havens takes place over 24 hours, from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, thru 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 27th in the parking lot of Midland H.E.B. near the intersection of Wadley and N. Midkiff.

This faith-based organization gives women in a broken relationship a place to call home for a couple of years while they find their way again. It gives them and it gives their children a security they may have never had. And it gives the women who are taken in an opportunity to achieve a higher education so that when they do complete the program, they can go out on their own and be the success many of them know they can be.
A good cause, providing for a genuine need in our community ... and it shouldn't be any surprise that a wide variety of West Texas' blogging community wants to do their part to help. They will include Jimmy, J.P. Hearn of Bleu Chocolate, Wallace Craig of Streams, George Johns of Sleepless In Midland, Janie Snelson of Sounding Forth and Ospurt of Jessica's Well.
You can go to the Blogging for Fair Havens link for a bloggers schedule, as well as a preview of everything else going on during this very-special 24 hours.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mystery Ramble: Update #4
Postcards' Todd Wyrick, Minister of Youth at First Presbyterian Church of Midland, will be keeping us posted on developments as he, 65 junior high students and 10 adult leaders embark on the 2008 edition of Mystery Ramble, the latest chapter in his online journal of FPC's 2008 summer program, specifically journeys by our youth as they travel Texas and the United States in service and ministry, in fellowship and fun. Here is a report from Midland's 2008 Mystery Ramble Mission Team.
MR-08 … Thursday come and gone …
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mystery Ramble: Update #3
Postcards' Todd Wyrick, Minister of Youth at First Presbyterian Church of Midland, will be keeping us posted on developments as he, 65 junior high students and 10 adult leaders embark on the 2008 edition of Mystery Ramble, the latest chapter in his online journal of FPC's 2008 summer program, specifically journeys by our youth as they travel Texas and the United States in service and ministry, in fellowship and fun. Here is a report from Midland's 2008 Mystery Ramble Mission Team.
MR-08 … Wednesday Full o’ Fun!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mystery Ramble: Update #2
Postcards' Todd Wyrick, Minister of Youth at First Presbyterian Church of Midland, will be keeping us posted on developments as he, 65 junior high students and 10 adult leaders embark on the 2008 edition of Mystery Ramble, the latest chapter in his online journal of FPC's 2008 summer program, specifially journeys by our youth as they travel Texas and the United States in service and ministry, in fellowship and fun. Here is a report from Midland's 2008 Mystery Ramble Mission Team.
MR-08 … Pics from Travel
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Mystery Ramble: Update #1
Midland's mobile, missionioning blog, "Postcards from the Edge," is on the road again, this time enroute to ... well, it's a mystery.
Postcards' Todd Wyrick, Minister of Youth at First Presbyterian Church of Midland, will be keeping us posted on developments as he, 65 junior high students and 10 adult leaders embark on the 2008 edition of Mystery Ramble, the latest chapter in his online journal of FPC's 2008 summer program, specifically journeys by our youth as they travel Texas and the United States in service and ministry, in fellowship and fun. Here is a report from Midland's 2008 Mystery Ramble Mission Team.
MR-08 … Sojourn Begins
Saturday, July 12, 2008
New Orleans: Update #6
Student Reflection from the Week ... Total wrap-up to come
Friday, July 11, 2008
New Orleans: Update #5
Just a few pictures from this week ...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Orleans: Update #4
Day 4 … Student Reflections from Workday 2 in New Orleans
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
New Orleans: Update #3
Day 3 … Student Reflections from Workday 1 in New Orleans
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Orleans: Update #2
Day 2 … Having Marinated for a Day
Monday, July 7, 2008
New Orleans: Update #1
Day 1 … Remember the Alamo !!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
More West Texas Missioners in the Blogosphere

"We ask for your prayers over the course of this journey," Todd writes in the blog's initial post. "We’re looking forward to a great time getting to invest lots of time in our students outside the comfort zone of their daily lives. Pray that God will give us wisdom to respond to his Spirit moving in the lives of all of our students. Pray that we will be able to minister to all of our students with love and grace and that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ and his love for them. Pray that our students would continue to see more and more about how the church cares about them simply because they are breathing!"
"Welcome to the journey," he concludes. "Glad to have you along for the ride!!!"
Won't you please consider adding Postcards to your blogroll? And won't you please add a visit to Postcards to your daily (sorta-daily, weekly, whatever) blog routine to keep up-to-date on Todd and the kids, and post comments? ..... Thanks!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Midland Media Shares Refugees' Story
Among those who lost their homes that day were two families of refugees who fled their government's oppression in Myanmar/Burma, and now make their home in Midland.
Ongoing efforts by members of Midland's Christian community to welcome them and aid them in adjusting to their new home have been stepped-up since Sunday morning. Kelli, a member of our 2008 Thailand Mission Team, has led these efforts and has been an inspiration and a blessing - not only to those she serves, but to those of us who have been called to serve with her.
Donations to help the victims of Sunday's fire can be made to the First Presbyterian Church of Midland and designated for the Chin refugees. The church office number is (432) 684-7821.
Uganda: Update #9

Uganda Update 9

In the evening we hosted a dinner on the grounds of our hotel for all the pastors in the Presbytery and their wives. It was a wonderful, relaxing time of fellowship. As the sun went down on our last night in Mbale we shared communion with all our Ugandan brothers and sisters. It truly has been such a special day for us all.
As we get ready to get on the road for Entebbe tomorrow morning we have several team members who have a little stomach bug, so please keep them in your prayers.

Please, keep them all in your hearts and on your minds, in your thoughts and in your prayers.
Want to know more about Uganda? You can visit the Uganda entry in 'The World Factbook' maintained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. You can also visit the official Uganda tourism website maintained by the Uganda Tourist Board. And Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church of Houston, Texas, has a webpage devoted to Mbale Presbyterian Church of Uganda.