Teichert Family Prayer Update
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Dear Prayer Partner,
Trust you are well and growing in God’s grace and truth. We are sincerely grateful for your faithful prayers for our family and ministry here in Southern Africa. God is transforming lives and communities toward the vision of multiplying disciple-making churches.
Thank you for your prayers for our recent requests. Here is how God answered:
• John successfully passed his road test and received his temporary SA driver's license last Friday. Praise the Lord! We now have six drivers in our family. Please continue to pray for God's protection for all of us on the roads.
• The meeting with the South African Revenue Service last Friday did not go as planned. The SARS agent was responding to objections we had with our 2012 tax return, which was successfully closed two years ago. We were hoping to address objections with our 2014 return, but they were not prepared to respond. This was another lesson in patience-building for us. Please continue praying for quick response and successful resolution of our 2014 SA tax return. God is in control!
• The Coaching Workshop was a great success! Fourteen leaders participated from diverse denominational and geographic areas. Each person was better equipped to assist others to grow and fully live out God’s calling. Three of the leaders were even interested in becoming certified as trainers with us in the future. Please pray that God would use each of the leaders to effectively develop others around them.
Please pray for the following:
• Karl has been invited to participate in the Africa Evangelical Alliance General Assembly in Harare, Zimbabwe this week. Church leaders from every country will be meeting to address the challenges and opportunities to accelerate the spread of the gospel across the continent. Please pray for God’s leading and effective collaboration to multiply Christ-like disciples and churches.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer! God is on the move.
For His glory,
Karl and Jenny
OC Africa is an interdenominational ministry committed to developing, equipping, and mobilizing church leaders to multiply healthy, Bible-based churches in every community in Southern Africa and the world. OC is a faith-based mission who depends on the Lord to provide committed, financial supporters and partners. The contributions from these individuals help generate ministry opportunities around the world, impact missionaries and their global work, and provide a means for the International Mobilization Center to function. CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can be a part of mobilizing church leaders around the world by donating to OC.