Sunday, July 27, 2008

Prayers of Thanksgiving: Blogging for Fair Havens

"THANKS!" to everyone who - right here and right now - joined our mission team, and helped share the love of Jesus Christ in the Tall City, doing their part to make Blogging for Fair Havens such a success.

As of this morning, the 24-hour event had raised $10,554 (and counting) for the local transitional housing facility, exceeding the goal that had been set while the blogathon was in its planning stages.

Thanks to Jimmy of Sticky Doorknobs, who organized this year's event.

Thanks to the members of West Texas' blogging community who provided virtual and actual support for this year's event - Jimmy, J.P. of Bleu Chocolate, Wallace of Streams, George of Sleepless In Midland, Janie of Sounding Forth and Ospurt of Opus Musings and Jessica's Well.

Thanks to Eric at Fire Ant Gazette. It is Eric who provided the original inspiration and direction for this annual event, and is deserving of some of the credit for this year's success.

Thanks to all the media for their participation - television, radio, newspaper ... they were all represented at some point or another during the blogathon, and doing their part to raise awareness and funds.

Thanks to the Fair Havens staff and volunteers who supported our efforts and contributed so much of the sweat equity needed to build a successful fundraising effort.

And A VERY BIG THANKS to the people of West Texas - and beyond! - who dug down and contributed $10,554 (and counting) to this year's blogathon. "Thanks!" hardly seems adequate for acknowledging how the donors came through ... but there it is, nonetheless.

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