Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayer Request from Joel at ServLife International

ServLife International is a movement defined by values of God’s kingdom, not programs built around human efforts and activities. The reign and rule of God should be made apparent to every person on the planet, despite their religion, race or socioeconomic status. We believe that issues of justice are inseparable from the good news that Jesus Christ came to proclaim. ServLife exists to take the gospel of Christ and the hope of a better, more just, world to the lives of people we touch. This happens through individual contributions of time, creativity, resources and dreams.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and Forever!

Biblical scholars debate the author of Hebrews but no one can debate the words of Jesus that the author writes from what Jesus said, "I am the same yesterday, today, and Forever." (13:8)

In recent days, change has occured in my life that have allowed these words to offer hope and healing. Change is constant. Think about it: Our children change, technology changes, govenrmnets change, our economy changes, global crises change, personal relationships change, families change, and the list can go on and on. Change is a part of the human experience called life and proven through the history of humanity. Some change we embrace and other change we have a hard time accepting. Friendships are broken, financial stress causes pain, or we move to a new city.

In the midst of change, Jesus Christ has been and will continue to be the same. He is always present to heal, restore, and offer peace in our changing lives and world.

We here at ServLife are going through some changes and I ask for you to pray for our mission and those we touch around the world. ServLife exists for the purpose of offering the life of Jesus Christ to those in the world. I trust in the midst of changes in your own life, God will comfort you with the words of Jesus penned by the author of Hebrews.

Humbly His


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