Thursday, July 22, 2010

In the News ... "West Texas Food Bank says needs increase during summer months"

West Texas Food Bank says needs increase during summer months
By Kathleen Thurber
Midland Reporter-Telegram

MIDLAND-ODESSA, TEXAS - The middle of summer usually signals one thing for the West Texas Food Bank: The need for more resources.

The prime time for donations is in the fall, but increased requests for help from families can arrive in the summer. Lee Pipkin, the food bank's interim executive director, said getting through becomes a matter of stretching what they have until the first day of school hits in mid-August.

Whether it's families struggling to feed kids who typically receive free lunch at school, parents who still are seeking jobs or those who continue to struggle to make ends meet, this summer more people than usual have been asking for assistance, said Michael Landrum, who serves as co-chairman of Memorial Christian Church's food pantry. The church is one of more than 15 Midland distribution sites for the food bank, though several, such as Dismas Charities, require food received for residents at their facility rather than for the general public.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the MRT story

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