Wednesday, September 16, 2020

From @austinseminary ... "The Reed" for September 2020

Meet our new class!
New MDiv and MATS students. Some new students are learning while living on our Austin campus; others are logging in remotely. All are part of the fifty-eight students who comprise the incoming class for the 2020-21 academic year; look for the new MAYM students in this spot next month!
Learn all about the entering class for 2020 HERE ...

Help welcome our entering class with support for our students!

• Click Here to Give ...

Check out our worship and education resources for Theological Education Sunday
We can't send students and faculty into churches this fall to celebrate Theological Education Sunday, September 20, but we're doing the next best thing. We've invited members of the community to contribute resources you can use in church school and worship to help lift up the value of theological education. You'll find:

•  a 12-week curriculum for kids
•  digital and print bulletin inserts
•  videos to share
•  sermon illustration and sermon text (prepared by Professor David Johnson)
• See Them All Here ...

Now is the time to order our Advent Devotionals for youe church or organization!

• Click Here to Order ...

You're our best recruiter!
If you know someone who should be considering the vocation of Christian ministry, please tell them about our "Virtual Lunch & Learns."
•  September 16
•  October 14
•  November 18
• More Information, and Registration Here ...

Upcoming from "Education Beyond the Walls"

You can learn new ideas and generative practices by participating in a workshop. EBW events are crafted with adults in mind, focusing on active, experiential modes of learning and on content that is relevant to the changing landscape of ministry.
• Learn More at ...

October 5-7

• SCRAPCE: Dipping Deeper into the Well of PC(USA) Ministries

Partner with us to ensure theological education excellence!

There are many ways to partner with Austin Seminary in the formation of men and women for Christian ministry. Your gift to our Annual Fund supports the formation of Christian leaders.

• Click here to give ....

Get the latest news from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in their digital monthly eNewsletter. Features on events, students, faculty, and alumni can be sent directly to your inbox.

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