Monday, April 7, 2008

Prayer Requests

The Thailand Mission Team asks that you add the following to your prayers .....

Intercede with Prayer - Trafficking
Please pray for:

Victims and those vulnerable to trafficking and prostitution
The staff at Nightlight and Garden of Hope, and their ministries to victims of prostitution and trafficking
Churches to open hearts and eyes to victims of trafficking
Clean-up pornography on the Internet and in the movies
The repentance of those who engage in trafficking, and profit from prostitution
The work of Homeland Security Investigator Gary Phillips and his partners working in Thailand to combat trafficking
Gary's successor, who will be replacing him sometime this year
Additional Homeland Security officers for Thailand
Congress to call those working in Homeland Security and non-governmental organizations working in Thailand, to testify when legislation about trafficking is being considered
More government and law-enforcement officers to participate in combating trafficking
Cooperation among all who work to combat trafficking and child exploitation

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