Saturday, August 8, 2009

BfFH ... Great Day for Music, Message, Blogging

And they're sending the JV squad onto the field! Jimmy is handing-off to Jeff (from Archaeotexture) to continue Blogging for Fair Havens at Rock the Desert. The view from atop the scissor lift is great. It's a beautiful day for a concert, for getting together with thousands of your closest friends, and enjoying a day of music and meaning. The skies are clear, the sun is bright, and a steady breeze is taking the edge off the day's heat ... so, why not come out?

If you can't make it out, you can still help. Proceeds raised in the course of this blogging will benefit Midland Fair Havens, a place of refuge and restoration for single mothers as they prepare to make a better life for themselves and their children. Fair Havens equips them for self-sufficient living by addressing their educational, vocational, spiritual, and emotional needs in residential and non-residential settings.

CLICK HERE to make your donation now.

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