Prayer Concerns for the week of 09/23/09
• Give thanks to God for the work of Pishon Family Ministry with disabled and discarded children in Asia. Pray that God will provide this ministry with the resources needed to support the three orphanages and numerous church leaders under its care. Pray for the leaders of this ministry and ask God to protect them. Serving Jesus Christ in this part of Asia can be quite dangerous.
• Please continue to keep the children and caregivers of the three orphanages held close in prayer.
• Pray for the seven paralyzed children at one orphanage and for the pastor and his wife who care for 14 children. Pray that God will bring them more people to help care for these children who are often sick.
• Pray for the 40 children at another orphanage who are in need of warm winter clothing, quilts, and food.
• Please keep the 13 orphans at the third orphanage in prayer as several of them need major medical care and there aren't resources available to pay for it. Pray that they will also have more people to help care for these children and that God will sustain and encourage their caregivers.
Burma (Free Burma Rangers - www.freeburmarangers.org)
• Pray for the 2-month-old baby of Ma Kin Kyi, an ethnic hill tribeswoman who was shot in the neck, jaw, and mouth by Burma Army troops who surrounded her house and fired into it. She was not expected to survive the injury because she couldn't eat or drink. Pray that this baby will be brought into a loving family who is able to care for him.
• Please keep more than 5000 internally displaced people in prayer as they live a life on the run in the jungles of western Burma. And pray for the 100,000 children and families who are suffering from an ongoing famine in this area. Give thanks to God for FBR's relief teams providing medical care and aid in this area that is isolated from most international aid providers. Pray that the situation causing this food shortage-the infestation of rats that attack rice crops-will cease.
India (Kings Kids South Asia - www.kkisouthasia.org)
• Please be in prayer for the organizers of a large children's conference in Nagaland-a border area of Northeast India and Burma. Pray that God will provide the resources and partnerships necessary to hold this conference scheduled for January 2010.
• Pray for the thousands of children, between the ages of 4 and 14, who are expected to attend. Pray that they will experience the very real presence of Jesus Christ and that they will be the catalyst for change in their communities because of their faith.
Uganda (CURE International - www.helpcurenow.org)
• Pray for the disabled children receiving treatment at the CURE International Hospital in Uganda and for the medical staff and caregivers there.
• Please also pray for a 13-year-old boy named Dickson.
United States
• Please keep 14-year-old Vicki, and her siblings and father, in prayer following the tragic death of her mother in a car accident. Pray that they all will be surrounded by comforting friends and church members.
• Thanks be to God that Diana* and her little brother are now free to be adopted by their foster mom!
• Give thanks to God for 8-year-old Ellen's* safe arrival in the United States from Burma. Please continue to keep her in prayer as she adjusts to a very new and different culture.
• Please pray that God will wrap arms of comfort around 2-year-old Ricky* and his mother. Ricky's mom is suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of her service in Iraq. Pray that she would seek treatment and help for this condition. Pray for the safety of both Ricky and his mother. Pray for their extended family and friends who are very worried about them.
United States
• Give thanks and praise to God for the prayer efforts of the International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations and Global Cities, held in New York and New Jersey last week. Please keep our international leaders in prayer as their decisions directly affect the children of the world.
* Name changed for confidentiality and/or protection.
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