Prayer Concerns for the week of 10/18/09
• Please keep in prayer the girls of Afghanistan who believe setting themselves on fire is the only option when faced with abusive husbands or relatives. Quite often, child brides or girls forced into marriage will practice self-immolation as a solution to abuse. Pray for an end to this destructive tradition. Pray for a change in the cultural attitude that regards girls and women as chattel or property-a mind-set that often leads to abuse.
A report from msnbc.com
• Pray for boys who are forced into an age-old underground tradition know as "bacha bazi." Boys are taken from their families, made to dress as women and dance at parties attended by powerful men, then used as sex slaves. Pray for freedom and justice for these boys and an end to this devastating practice. Pray for enforceable laws that will protect these boys.
A report from CNN
• Please keep the children of the Joseph Children's Home in Ethiopia held close in prayer. Pray that God will provide for their every need, spiritual as well as physical. Pray for the caregivers and volunteers at this home-that God will bless them with encouragement and sustain them for this difficult work. (Watch and Pray)
Thailand (The Garden of Hope – www.thegardenofhope.org)
• Give God thanks for the academic success of five children who regularly come to the Children's Drop In Center. These children are considered at the bottom of Thai society, but the confidence, skills, and care they receive at the center are making a huge difference in their lives. Pray for all of the children who come to the center-that they would also grow spiritually and academically. Pray for the staff and volunteers who work with them.
• Pray for the many women from the red-light district who attend English classes every day at The Garden of Hope's Women's Resource Center. Pray that God will continue to bless these women through their lessons and provide them with employment that gives them hope for a better future.
• Please keep The Garden of Hope staff and volunteers held close in prayer as they prepare for the opening of the Hospitality Training Center. Give thanks to God for the hope offered to vulnerable and exploited women through these vocational training opportunities. In the coming weeks, up to 20 women will receive training and employment there.
United States
• Pray for the 19 surviving children of the soldiers killed at Fort Hood in Texas last week. Thirteen service men and women (one of whom was three months pregnant) were shot and killed November 5 by another U.S. soldier.
A report from BBC
• Pray for the spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, relatives, and friends of those slain and injured in this attack. Please pray that God will bring them comfort and peace during this sad time.
• Please pray for children at Fort Hood who are frightened by all of the armed soldiers and police personnel on guard around the Army post.
A report from BBC
• Pray for the gunman who was responsible for this pain and suffering.
A report from the New York Times
• Please continue to pray for Andrea, an eight-year breast cancer survivor, and her family. Pray that God will help her children-9-year-old Josh, 11-year-old Zach, and 13-year-old Lauren-feel safe and strong despite their mother's new bone cancer diagnosis. Pray that God will comfort Andrea, her husband, children, and friends as she navigates this latest setback. Pray that God's healing touch will restore Andrea's health.
• Please keep Rachel, her husband, and her young children in prayer as she battles ovarian cancer. Pray that 8-year-old Angel, 6-year-old Christian, and 4-year-old Anthony will feel God's comforting presence during this scary time in their lives. Pray that God will surround her with healing mercies.
Faces of Children
• Give thanks to God for the recent Orphan Sunday events that took place around the United States, Haiti, and Canada. Pray for those who learned about the plight of orphans and at-risk children at these events. Pray they will be open to God's guidance and instruction in how they can be a piece of the solution concerning the at-risk and orphaned children of the world ( www.orphansunday.org/ ).
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