Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teichert Prayer Letter

Karl and Jenny Teichert are serving the Lord as missionaries with OC Africa, in South Africa. They moved to Johannesburg in November, 1997 with their four children; Ann, Scott, Stephen and John. Karl serves as the Southern Africa Director of the Southern Africa Regional Team. Their vision is to see a healthy, Bible-based church established in every un-reached village and community in South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia and beyond. Their strategy is to partner with key African church leaders to research, train, and mobilize the body of Christ to complete the Great Commission. They are striving to equip local leaders in Southern Africa to reach their nations for Christ and send missionaries into other countries as well. Karl’s ministry focuses on research, church planting, and leadership development training. In addition to caring for their four children, Jenny enjoys ministering through hospitality and equipping Sunday school teachers

June Prayer Letter ...

Dear Family and Friends,

Trust you are well and growing in God’s grace and truth. This month we want to highlight some of the recent activities that Scott, Stephen, and John have been involved in.

For the past few weeks, Scott has been working with his friend James on their science project. They decided to test the flight distance and performance of a special type of airplane made of different materials. Here is a picture of the cylinder-shaped airplane. Scott is also enjoying playing on the tennis and soccer teams at school. He plays defender on the soccer team and hopes to move up from the B to A tennis team soon.

Stephen and his friend Kevin have also been working on their science project. They have built a Tesla coil which generates 750 volts and produces dramatic light rays from the aluminum ball on the top. The purpose of the project was to make a fluorescent light glow at different distances.

Stephen plays goalie on the school soccer team and went to the national finals with the school swim team. He also likes playing keyboard with his friends in their Christian band, the Unsung Heroes.

John plays mid-fielder on the school soccer team. He and Scott also serve as leaders in our school youth group. All three boys will be helping with the annual holiday club in July which reaches out to over 200 kids from the neighborhood.

We are so grateful that our boys have an opportunity to grow up in such a diverse place like South Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support for them and our whole family as we serve the Lord in this part of the world!

For His Glory,
The Teicherts

OC Africa is an interdenominational ministry committed to developing, equipping, and mobilizing church leaders to multiply healthy, Bible-based churches in every community in Southern Africa and the world. OC is a faith-based mission who depends on the Lord to provide committed, financial supporters and partners. The contributions from these individuals help generate ministry opportunities around the world, impact missionaries and their global work, and provide a means for the International Mobilization Center to function. CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can be a part of mobilizing church leaders around the world by donating to OC.

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