Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Word from Thailand: "Hacking and coughing in Chiang Mai "

Brett and Shelly Faucett are Mission Partners with Interserve that are living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They are working in three main areas: HIV/AIDS, Special needs children and Human Trafficking. Brett is a nurse and amateur photographer. Shelly was a former literacy specialist and ESL teacher. They both love travelling and seeing the world, especially Africa and Asia. They have 2 high spirited daughters Acacia (9yrs old)and Annapurna (7yrs old). The Thailand Mission Team from FPC and TPC in Midland had a chance to meet with them during our mission to that country in 2008.

"Hacking and coughing in Chiang Mai"

"What a nightmare!"

CLICK HERE for the rest of this post at their Committed to the Calling blog

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