Tuesday, March 22, 2022

From ServLife International ... "Celebrating 10 Years on Staff!"

ServLife International is a movement defined by values of God’s kingdom, not programs built around human efforts and activities. The reign and rule of God should be made apparent to every person on the planet, despite their religion, race or socioeconomic status. We believe that issues of justice are inseparable from the good news that Jesus Christ came to proclaim. ServLife exists to take the gospel of Christ and the hope of a better, more just, world to the lives of people we touch. This happens through individual contributions of time, creativity, resources and dreams.

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Celebrating 10 Years on Staff!

In 2006 I traveled to India and Nepal for the first time, and my heart has never been the same. Playing with the children in the ServLife orphanage, I dreaded my last day there and wished I could bring every child home with me. Little did I know that my son had been born in India a month prior, and would be coming home the next year.

Traveling back to India and Nepal about 25 times now over the last 16 years, I have been able to watch the children grow up and thrive. The way they are cared for and loved has fueled my passion for ServLife and gives me confidence that God is at work in the ministry.

Ten years ago this month my passion became my vocation, and it has been an exciting, humbling, learning experience. I felt intimidated and under-qualified to be ServLife International’s Executive Director, so God took me to 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

I have strived to follow that verse and lead with boldness and strength, compassion and love, steady discipline and attention to detail. It hasn’t always been easy, and I’ve made mistakes and have learned along the way. But it is clear to me that God has been blessing this work, and I’m honored to be a part of it.

ServLife’s international directors have been incredible partners and friends, and with funding from generous donors like you, have been able to more than double the number of children and families that we serve in the last decade. God has done incredible things, bringing restoration and healing to people's lives and hearts, and spreading the joy and love of Jesus Christ.

While I celebrate my 10th anniversary in this job, ServLife also marks 30 years of ministry around the world! We will celebrate this incredible milestone over the course of this year, and I would love to hear and share stories of how you got involved and have been impacted by ServLife.

As I start my second decade on staff, my prayer for you, me, and all of us in this global community is Ephesians 4:13, “for us to become mature adults—to be fully grown, measured by the standard of the fullness of Christ.”

Thank you for your friendship, partnership, investment, and prayers. Your support has added to my joy and I appreciate you.

Thank you,

From Adam Nevins
Executive Director
ServLife International Inc.

Click here to give a gift to help families and our partners in India and Nepal.

Join Our Mission

ServLife International propels reconciliation and justice by building global community to plant churches, care for children and fight poverty. Compelled by the message, life and love of Jesus Christ, we seek to care for the spiritual, physical, social, and economic areas of life in northern India and Nepal.  Learn more about our latest news, featured stories, and how to get involved at servlife.org

Support a Pastor

Our church planters spread
the love of Christ in some of the most difficult
environments in the world.
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Sponsor a Child

For only $30 per month you can help give a child food, education, care and, most importantly, hope.
Sponsor Now ... 

Fight Poverty

The HOPE Fund, our micro-finance program, provides start-up funds for a small business, paving a way out of poverty for families in need.
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ServLife International, Inc.
P.O. Box 20596
Indianapolis, IN 46220

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