Tuesday, April 12, 2022

In the News ... Opinion: "God is there when the pressure's on"

• Stress can put a shadow over the future plans you have

Pastor Doug Lamb
By Pastor Doug Lamb, Fannin Terrace Baptist Church, Contributor
Midland Reporter-Telegram

MIDLAND, TEXAS - Do you ever question God when the pressure is on? Since the beginning of the pandemic two years ago American lives have been changed with schools’ closing, people working from home, the isolation periods if you were exposed, mask mandates and the like. It took a toll on the mental health of adults and children.

Now we have record-high inflation, which is driving the cost of living higher and higher. In some places the cost of rent has gone through the roof … no pun intended. And home ownership for many is now out of reach. Then, Russia’s war on Ukraine and the problems from that have also elevated the level of stress people are dealing with in their lives.

We can choose to join in the chorus of people who are worried and have no hope, or we can learn how to respond to stress in a way that lines up with a Biblical understanding of who God is and how we can live when the pressure is on.

Here are three lessons from the Bible, in the book of Job, that can help you deal with stress.

Ask the better questions

In the book of Job, we learn that amid suffering and stress Job asked God some direct questions. He held nothing back. He wondered why God was treating him that way. He wanted to know why he was suffering while people who were hostile to God were shown favor. He even asked if God could see what was going on in his life?

When we are stressed, it is OK to ask God questions. But let’s make sure we ask the better questions. For example, instead of “Why Me?’ the better question probably is, “Why Not Me?” No one is exempt from the stress and pain of life. You have probably asked God, “Why are others doing well while I struggle?” The better question might be, “What are You teaching me?” Don’t worry about what God is doing in other people’s lives. Learn what God is doing in your life. Finally, you will likely be tempted to ask, “God, don’t you see what is happening?” It seems the better question is, “Will You let me see what is happening?” God sees and knows what is happening. We are the ones often in the dark.

Remember who God is

After a lot of back and forth with Job and his friends, God decided to bring the conversation to a close. He did this by revealing who He is. The way God did that was to ask mind-blowing questions one after the other.

You may have heard the statement: God is God, and you are not. That was Job’s lesson. It is a lesson we all need to be reminded of over and over. Remember that God is in control even when things appear out of control. Remember that God is with us and has good in store for us. Remember that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways. And of course, remember that God loves you and is involved in all the details of your life.

Get on with your life

The book closes out like a Hallmark movie. In the beginning of the book Job lost his business, his kids and his health. The final verses show that God doubled his business, gave him more sons and daughters and restored his health such that he lived to a very old age.

God provided a way for Job to move forward, and he got on with his life. God will do the same for you ...

 • Read the rest of this MRT report ...

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