Friday, July 1, 2022

From @FWMission ... Friday Story: “See how these kids are transforming lives!”

Founded in 2001, Free Wheelchair Mission is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations. Headquartered in Irvine, California, FWM works around the world in partnership with a vast network of humanitarian, faith-based and government organizations, sending wheelchairs to hundreds of thousands of disabled people, providing not only the gift of mobility, but of dignity, independence, and hope.

Friday Story: “Kids Transforming Lives!”

Over the years, we have seen just how passionate some of our youngest supporters can be—and how much of a difference they can make.

Last week, The Shoreline Church in San Clemente, California held their annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) and featured Free Wheelchair Mission as their cause for kids to rally behind. They downloaded our free VBS curriculum and ordered free resources that we created to support churches and schools.

The kids started the week with a goal: to raise funds to provide 100 new wheelchairs to people living with disabilities in developing countries.

And over the next four days, these kids jumped into action.

Some kids held bake sales. Others set up lemonade stands. And some kids told other people about the cause of mobility, collecting donations in “Giving Cubes” that churches and schools can order for free on our website.

By the end of the VBS, the kids of The Shoreline Church had not only reached their goal—they surpassed it, raising enough to provide 150 new wheelchairs! Then, during the Sunday service, church attendees stopped by our table and donated an additional 10 wheelchairs, bringing the grand total to 160.

This means more than just 160 lives transformed.

This means that the lives of 160 individuals, along with the lives of their caregivers, families, and friends, are being transformed across the world, thanks to the creativity, passion, and dedication of the kids at The Shoreline Church.

We invite YOUR CHURCH OR SCHOOL to join us in this mission.

Download our free curriculum, which can also be used to supplement your regular programs, along with our VBS Tips and Tricks guide.

You can also visit our resource page to order printed materials including self-standing posters, story cards, and giving cubes, or to download additional content such as VBS scripts, coloring sheets, and printable lemonade stand posters.

For other ways that your church or school can partner with Free Wheelchair Mission, please contact Development Officer Kecia Jones.

A special thanks to The Shoreline Church—and to all of you—for doing all that you do to help spread the word and provide the gift of mobility to those in need.

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