Friday, February 8, 2008

More Q&A

Bridget Hyde asks if our team feels the prayers from the recent Renovare Conference in Midland. What are you learning about prayer and how it works in this situation? Will you pray differently vecause of the experience?

I think we DO feel those prayers. Over and over again, at the end of anlother long day, someone on the team will say something to the effect of, "I can't believe we lasted as long as we did. today!" So, something is at work, and we feel prayer is a very big part of it.

As for prayer, it is essential, it is critical, it is formost, and it is what they [those with whom we meet and work on this mission] ask for.

As for praying differently, some of us say "no" and some of us say "yes." Those say yes, go on to say they will pray more specfically, in response to specific requests and needs.

Regarding prayer in general ..... pray with humility.

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