Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Emily Holeva e-mailed us, asking for Karen Winkler’s first thoughts of Bangkok …..

“My first impression of Bangkok, it surprised me that it looked as Western as it did, the architecture, the buildings – but still Asian,” said Karen. “The motorcycles are everywhere. And it is busy, it is such a busy city. The people are so gracious, and I was surprised at how much English there is, which makes it easier to get around. And another impression – how humbled I am by Annie and Jeff, and the work they do at NightLight.”

Bob Cowan also e-mailed us, asking about whether the real jet lag will set in on the return trip, as our team flies eastward toward home. This observation is based in part on Cowan’s own experience with travel to Asia.

Team members say they will put that to the test in just six days, when we depart Bangkok for our return to America. We’ll be sure to follow up on the results.

If you have any questions you would like to ask the members of our mission team, please e-mail your question to (missioner@fpcmid.org)

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