Around Midland and around the world, loving and leading all people to deeper life in Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mark Your Calendars
A very special guest is scheduled to visit the Tall City on Sunday, August 31st. If you would like to find out more about efforts to relieve persecuted peoples in southeast Asia, then here is your chance to hear a first-hand account.
OddneyGumaer, co-founder of Partners Relief and Development, is coming to Midland August 31st. She is the author of Displaced Persons, which has been described as "a humble outpouring from the heart and mind of a woman who strives to speak of what is right and live what is true."
"Open this book," we are told, "and meet the peoples of Burma. They are beaten, displaced and victimized by their own government. Yet they are beautiful, full of grit and humor, and deeply rooted in a rich history of faith. In this book, photos and reflections do more than tell stories. They open a door for us to live in the shoes of people who define what it means to demonstrate grace under pressure."
Final details for Oddny's visit are still in the works. At this time, she is expected to speak at both the 8:15 and 11:00 a.m. worship services of First Presbyterian Church-Midland on Sunday morning, August 31st. She may also participate in Sunday school that that morning.
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