Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spreading the Word in SE Asia
Pt. 1: Thank You for Karen Bibles

Deadly cyclones and repressive governments notwithstanding, our friends in mission based in southeast Asia continue to spread the love of Jesus Christ, not only through their actions, but through the written Word of God. Following is an update we received from Mark and Astrid of the Christian Far East Ministry. We met with them both, learned from them and contributed to their efforts during our Thailand Mission, earlier this year. Their work extends beyond the borders of Thailand into other southeast Asian countries ... as the following post will tell you.


Christian Far East Ministry reports, All of you who pray and support this ministry are touching tens of thousands of people with Scriptures and humanitarian aid. Enjoy these stories of some of the people from Burma whom you are helping.

"My name is Thang Lwin. I want to say thank you for giving me a Bible. I am so happy to receive my own Bible and I am so happy to read it. I am a farmer and everyday I work on my farm. I was an animist before and not interested in any religion. I only wanted to work hard for my family."

"One day I worked hard until I became very tired and I started to think about why I am on the earth. We only work hard and after that we will die. I think everything we do is for nothing. I started to ask my question to someone. She answered me and said, 'Jesus is your answer.' She told me that 'if you have Jesus, you have everything. You can have peace and joy, happiness and other things that you need.'”

"I asked her can she could help me to know Jesus like her? She told me believe in him. I believed in Jesus and I want to know him more in each day. Now all of my family believes in him. We see that the Bible is true in our lives. We read it and we know him more each day."

"My name is Kyaw Than. I am happy to have my own Bible. I was in the dark and worshiped idols for many years. I always thought that believing in idols was the right way in life. My life is hard. We are very poor and we are faced with the struggle of feeding ourselves. Our country is not at peace and the income for our family is not enough. I began wondering if there was a way to be free from our burdens. We wait for peace."

"One night I was in my house and I saw many people came in our village. In the evening they showed a video, so I was interested to go and see. They showed the life of Jesus. Afterwards they explained more, so my ears were open to hear the words and my heart changed. I told them I wanted to believe in Jesus. I was so happy at that time. They did not have Bibles to give out, so an evangelist visited us and read the Bible to us."

"My heart started to change. I thank God that he gave me real light to see and to believe in him. I asked for my own Bible and because of God’s blessing I have received a Bible and I am reading it. I read it to my family so they can hear the words and tell the other people to receive the light of Jesus. Thank you!"

Christian Far East Ministry reports, we praise and thank the Lord for one of our sponsors who has paid for another 30,000 Karen Bibles to be printed. They have recently arrived in our warehouses, and we are currently sending thousands to those who desperately want to have the word of God. These people could never have a Bible unless someone brought it them one. But some of our work is postponed because the civil war has moved into areas where we need move the books.

We recently traveled as a family to a new area for us. We met pastors and a missionary who have been reaching out to the people of Southern Karen State, Burma. They said no one else has shown interest in these people for over two decades. Only in the last year has anyone else come to help. This summer they were praying for Karen Bibles. The Missionary went to America to ask for help, but there was no response. But one man in attendance at a meeting in California is a friend of ours and he got us in contact with this missionary. We delivered 2,520 Karen Bibles to this ministry. They said it came from heaven in a completely unexpected way, and they are so thankful to God. They have a minimum need of 75,000 Bibles for this area. The Burmese Army has attacked the Karen mercilessly in Southern Karen State in the last month, and those living in Thailand in the past week. Please pray for these Christians!

Thank you for your prayers and support!
Mark and Astrid

To support the work of CHRISTIAN FAR EAST MINISTRY IN AMERICA, tax deductible gifts may be made out to "His Servants – Asia or Faith Community Church" and mailed to:
Christian Far East Ministry
PO Box 1411
Glendora, CA 91740

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