"I've been contemplating which job in the new administration I would like," Dr. Denison writes in today's post at God Issues. "My first choice would have been chief of staff, but it's already taken. I will admit that Rahm Emanuel has some credentials I don't. He is an accomplished ballet dancer and triathlete. Criticized for his hard-nosed partisan political ways, he is also good friends with John McCain's best friend, Lindsey Graham, and current White House chief of staff, Joshua Bolten. He is a devout Orthodox Jew; in fact, his father was involved in the movement which led to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. His family's Hebrew faith is clear in his name: 'Rahm' means 'high,' while Emanuel means 'God with us.'"
"After serving for years in the Clinton White House, he returned to the private sector where he became a very successful investment banker. He was then elected to the House of Representatives in 2002 and became the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. A close friend of Mr. Obama, he will now work to accomplish his agenda. I guess his political experience somewhat dwarfs my own (though anyone who has worked with a Baptist church's finance committee knows something about political intrigue)."
"I don't think Treasury would be a good fit for me, since Janet balances our checkbook to keep us out of jail. This morning's New York Times tells us that Mr. Obama is meeting today with a new economic advisory board including Warren Buffett, Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin, Paul Volcker, and Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google). I use Google quite often and wish I owned some of Mr. Buffett's stock, but would have no other expertise to add."
"Education might be a good fit, since I happen to have one. I would really like Secretary of State, since he or she gets to travel. Commerce wouldn't be as attractive (see checkbook admission above). Interior might work, since I live in the interior of the country. As you can see, Mr. Obama is making a wise choice in not choosing me."
"I may not be qualified to serve in Mr. Obama's new administration, but I can be helpful in other ways. First and foremost, as we have seen this week, I can and must pray daily for our new president. God's word makes this imperative mandatory for all believers, no matter our political affiliations and preferences (1 Timothy 2:1-4). I am also required to demonstrate Christlike character in speaking of our new president, when I agree and when I disagree with his decisions. Matthew 18:15 obligates me to speak to people rather than about them, our leaders included. If you follow Jesus, you are under the same mandates. Have you obeyed God's word today?"
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