Graphic by worldaidscampaign.org
MAAS (Midland Area AIDS Support) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization funded by donations from concerned individuals and foundations. Services are confidential and free of charge. Contributions are tax deductible.
MAAS is an organization set up for support and education. It is their mission to provide compassionate care and support of all kinds of people with AIDS, people who are HIV positive, and to the families and friends of people affected by this disease.
It is also their mission to provide all people with education, as well as accurate and timely information regarding AIDS. AIDS pertains to all of us. Proper knowledge of AIDS prevention is vitally important for everyone to know. MAAS provides a weekly support group for people with AIDS, People who are HIV positive and for their families and friends. MAAS trains and equips volunteers to serve on care teams. Approximately 5 to 7 people are on a care team. Each care team is assigned to care for one person living with AIDS and their family members. This groups offers on going instruction in grief recovery as well as warm, compassionate love and support.
MAAS was started in June of 1991 and is facilitated by an AIDS family member who is also a Stephen Minister at First Presbyterian Church of Midland. Private counseling is made available to individuals, families, and friends affected by this disease, as well as spiritual guidance.
Contact Information
Midland/Odessa Area AIDS Support,Inc. (MAAS)
800 W. Texas Street, Midland, Texas 79701
(432) 520-3055 or 684-7821
Judy Warren - Executive Director
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