Prayer Concerns for the week of 01/27/10
• Please continue to keep the children and people of Haiti held close in prayer as they deal with the devastation caused by the January 12 earthquake. Between 100,000 and 200,000 people may have died in this 7.0 quake.
A report from alertnet.org
• Pray for the estimated 3 million people who have been displaced or impacted by this disaster. Pray that God will provide housing for the hundreds of thousands without shelter. Pray for children, babies, the elderly, the sick, and the injured who only have flimsy sheets to shelter them from the heat and the rain.
A report from the Washington Post
• Pray for those who are injured and suffering—that medical care and supplies will reach them quickly. Pray for children with treatable illnesses or infections who are at great risk of dying because of a scarcity of medical personnel and supplies. Treatable diseases like tetanus, gangrene, measles, diarrheal diseases, malaria, and meningitis are expected to get worse.
A report from alertnet.org
• Please keep in prayer the many medical teams, like the ones from CURE International, working around the clock with limited supplies and equipment. Pray that God will sustain and protect these medical teams as they work non-stop to save lives.
A report from the helpcurenow.org blog
• Pray for the children who have been orphaned by this tragedy or separated from parents in the chaos. Pray for their protection and safety from predators or traffickers. Give thanks to God for organizations like UNICEF and World Vision that are working to identify and register all unaccompanied children, and keep them safe from traffickers. Pray that family members can be located for these children.
A report from UNICEF
• Please pray that children and adults who have gone for days without water or food will have their immediate needs met. Pray that suitable alternative ports, airports, and distribution centers can be established quickly to provide relief throughout the affected areas. Pray for those who are involved in the humanitarian aid distribution—that God will give them wisdom and guidance for this challenging situation.
A report from alertnet.org
.pdf Map of Affected Areas from reliefweb.int
• Pray for children and families in Leogane, the hard-to-reach epicenter of the violent earthquake. Please pray that the children and people there will receive water, food, medical treatment, and shelter soon. Damaged roads and communications have limited the amount of humanitarian aid coming into this poor area. Give thanks to God for the first supply drops by US military personnel.
A report from alertnet.org
• Please pray for the children and staff in orphanages that were destroyed or damaged in the earthquake. Pray that God will provide the resources needed to care for injured and traumatized children. Please keep in prayer children and staff at these orphanages: HIS Home for Children, Creche Enfants Jesus and Maison-de-Lumiere.
• Give thanks to God for the survival of three children from Canaan Orphanage who were in Port-au-Prince with relatives when the earthquake struck. Pray that God will comfort the children at the orphanage who lost family members. Please keep all of the 90 children at Canaan Orphanage held close in prayer during this frightening time. Pray that God will grant the team there wisdom in helping the children and community deal with the emotional trauma and devastation caused by the earthquake.
• Please continue to pray for the children and staff at Maison des Enfants de Dieu orphanage (For His Glory Adoption Outreach). Thanks be to God none of the children were severely hurt. Pray the children who are eligible for humanitarian parole will be safely evacuated. Pray for orphans who haven’t been referred for international adoption yet and remain at the orphanage. The orphanage staff report they are running out of food and they are very concerned about security. Pray for orphans who have been turned away because the orphanage doesn’t have the capacity to care for any more children.
A report from aletnet.org
• Pray for the children, staff, and volunteers at God’s Littlest Angels orphanage and give thanks and praise that none of the children or adults there were hurt in the earthquake or the aftershocks that continue to plague them.
A report from the God's Littlest Angels blog
Faces of Children
• Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.
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