Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reports From Lulwanda: February, 2011

Every month, Lulwanda Administrator Edward Mukiibi provides an update on Lulwanda Children's Home in Uganda – how the children are growing and learning, how the staff is developing, and any ongoing needs that may arise.

February, 2011

"Our Children have grown and some have gone to secondary boarding school for the first time. Thank you for having been there through prayer and your financial support. Where could we be without you?"

"Thank you too for your prayers that enabled us to go through such a challenging national election for all our leaders from the President to the Councilors at the village level. However, somehow the uncertainty caused hiking of the prices for all consumer goods."

"The drought has also been extreme and the meteologists predict that we may not have rain until May 2011 and this may further create scarcity for the consumer goods particularly food."
CLICK HERE to read the rest of Mukiibi's Febuary, 2011 report.

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