Sunday, October 23, 2011

Service of Healing and Wholeness, this week at First Prez-Midland

First Presbyterian Church of Midland will hold a Service of Healing and Wholeness, Wednesday, October 26, 6:30p.m. in the Chapel. The service will center on prayer for the needs of the world, others, and ourselves.

The church is located at 800 W. Texas (on the northwest corner of Texas and A streets), just west of downtown Midland. Whether in need of healing and wholeness for yourself, or if you are led to be in prayer for another, please join us for this service of prayer.

"You are medicine for me when I am sick.
You are my strength when I need help.
You are life itself when I fear death.
You are the way when I long for heaven.
You are light when all is dark
You are my food when I need nourishment!"

Ambrose of Milan (340 - 397)

"In a day and age when the concept of healing is delegated to doctors’ offices and hospitals, the church confesses that for Christians the practice of healing is much greater. The image for Christians is 'not cure but wholeness.' Wholeness may be received even when a cure is not. Sickness, suffering, and dying are occasions not only for professional care but also for an openness to the meaning of divine grace and the assurance of forgiveness ... The Scriptures reveal a God who desires shalom for God's people. God's shalom is well-being and wholeness. It is shalom that God offers to all who suffer. Shalom is mediated through God's forgiving and healing love made known to us in Jesus. It is rooted in his life, death, and resurrection. In him, we have the assurance of final victory over sickness and death."
The Companion to the Book of Common Worship

For more information, please call FPC-Midland at (432) 684-7821.

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