Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Partners Blog: "Tired of bad news? Here’s some that’s good."

Steve and Oddny Gumaer started Partners Relief & Development in response to the needs of refugees and displaced people from Burma. This blog is meant to be a more personal stream of conversation than newsletters allow for. The opinions expressed here may not be those of Partners Relief & Development.

Tired of bad news? Here’s some that’s good.

"Watching the news and reading the newspaper is a sure way to ruin my day. So much bad news. So much sorrow, pain and violence. So many innocent deaths and suffering. There are times that I just put the newspaper down or turn off the TV. I can’t handle more bad news. While I try to ignore the news and go on with my day, nonetheless, the suffering still continues. In Libya, in Syria, in Bangladesh and in Burma. The victims of unrighteousness cannot choose to ignore their suffering."
CLICK HERE to read the rest of this post

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