Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Traveling Mission

Happy Holidays from ECPAT-USA!

We're now in the full swing of the holiday season, and ECPAT-USA has some great gift ideas for your shopping list. Whether for someone you love (or for yourself!), you can give knowing that your gift is making a positive difference in the lives of children

A TassaTag is a 4” x 6” bright, heavy, hand-woven cotton luggage tag that helps you spot your luggage more easily while reclaiming children's lives. It is practical, environmentally sensitive, fair trade, and with it you can make a difference.

With a TassaTag you support
ECPAT-USA. This is a non-profit children's rights organization whose mission is to protect all children from commercial sexual exploitation, and is the US Chapter of Thailand-based ECPAT (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking) International, working at the community, national and international levels.

With a TassaTag you support The Regina Center in Nong Khai, Thailand, which provides education and income generating skills and opportunities for women. All proceeds from sales are returned to the producers. The project enables women to stay in their villages and keep their children in school, which are two major strategies in reducing sex trafficking.
CLICK HERE to learn more about this project CLICK HERE to learn more about sex slavery and trafficking CLICK HERE to order TassaTags

With a TassaTag you will be part of the ECPAT project by increasing the recognition of the TassaTag logo as a symbol against the sexual slavery and trafficking of children, raising greater awareness of this major illegal trade around the world, and being a voice positively addressing a serious children's rights issue.

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