Monday, April 3, 2017

40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer ... "Day 28"

Presented by Bible Gateway
"Day 28"

"The other service one should perform for another person in a Christian community is active helpfulness. To begin with, we have in mind simple assistance in minor, external matters. There are many such things wherever people live together. Nobody is too good for the lowest service. Those who worry about the loss of time entailed by such small, external acts of helpfulness are usually taking their own work too seriously. We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God, who will thwart our plans and frustrate our ways time and again, even daily, by sending people across our path with their demands and requests."

Biblical Wisdom

"“The greatest among you will be your servant." Matthew 23:11

Questions to Ponder

What are the forms “active helpfulness” might take in a community of faith?
Is it true that: “Nobody is too good for the lowest service”? Why, or why not?
How does taking their own work too seriously tempt people to undervalue the real needs of others?

Psalm Fragment

“For he [the ruler] delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper. He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy. From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight ...” Psalm 72:12-14

Journal Reflections

Reflect on specific instances in which you were “interrupted by God” in the form of someone in need of help who crossed your path. What did you do? How did you feel about it?
Write about your degree of willingness to be “interrupted by God.”
What might the “lowest service” be in your community of faith?

Prayer for Today

Lord, as I go about my business today, don’t hesitate to interrupt me, and give me the grace to notice the interruption.

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