Monday, June 14, 2021

From PC(USA) Store ... New, Best-Selling Anti-Racism Resources

The Presbyterian Church (USA) offers a central online store where you can find all PC(USA)-produced books, curriculum, and resources in one place. is a comprehensive selection of PC(USA) resources that provides the information and materials necessary to support new and existing congregations, leaders, study groups, and individuals forge a deeper understanding of Presbyterian beliefs and doctrines. is maintained by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, the publishing house of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Geneva Press curriculum publishing, and other agency partners.

Anti-Racism Books

Below you will find new and featured resources for individual and group study, leadership training, and children's time.

The Purpose Gap
Much of the literature on leadership tells the story of heroic individuals creating their success by their own efforts. Such stories fail to recognize the structural obstacles to thriving faced by those in marginalized communities. If young people in these communities are to grow up to lead lives of purpose, others must help create the conditions to make that happen. This book offers advice on creating safe spaces for failure, nurturing networks that support young people of color, and providing professional guidance for how to implement these strategies.

Race in America
Originally published in 2016 as Race in a Post-Obama America, this updated edition offers contributions from a diverse group of pastors, professors, and activists on the history of racism, the issues of racism today, and action plans for moving toward anti-racist work and racial justice. Updated material addresses police and police brutality, the ongoing work of Black Lives Matter, and black protests. New chapters examine racism in relation to immigration and digital media. Designed for individual or group study, Race in America includes questions for reflection and discussion.

Good White Racist? Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice
Kerry Connelly exposes the ways white people participate in, benefit from, and unknowingly perpetuate racism—despite their best “good person” intentions. Readers will learn that even though it may not be our fault or choice to participate in a racist system, we all do, and it’s our responsibility to do something about it.

For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World
This picture book tells the story of a boy named Jeremiah and his family who discover hopeful forms of activism and advocacy in response to racism and gun violence in their community. You can use it in conjunction with the downloadable discussion and activity guide, which includes suggestions on how parents and teachers can talk with children about race and violence, ideas on how to create a safe space for meaningful dialogue, and more.

Ten Essential Strategies for Becoming a Multiracial Congregation
This book is a collection of wisdom and best practices to help congregations build immunity from racial and ethnic tensions that threaten to divide rather than unite. Use the workbook with your planning team, board members, lay leaders, and staff.

Brian the Brave
This picture book provides a creative way to talk about bias based on race and language with very young children. It is not only ideal for households, but also during children's time at church.

Fearless Dialogues
This book focuses on a groundbreaking program of the same name, founded by the author Gregory C. Ellison II. The program seeks real solutions to problems of chronic unemployment, violence, and hopelessness. Readers are able to walk through the steps of this program in order to implement genuine and lasting change.

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