Monday, June 21, 2021

From PC(USA) Store ... New Children's Books for Educators, Families, and Leaders!

The Presbyterian Church (USA) offers a central online store where you can find all PC(USA)-produced books, curriculum, and resources in one place. is a comprehensive selection of PC(USA) resources that provides the information and materials necessary to support new and existing congregations, leaders, study groups, and individuals forge a deeper understanding of Presbyterian beliefs and doctrines. is maintained by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, the publishing house of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Geneva Press curriculum publishing, and other agency partners.

New Children's Books!

Below you will find new and featured resources for individual and group enjoyment, leadership training, and children's time.

Hiding Baby Moses
MA baby boy is hidden in a basket floating on the Nile. A fearful mother sings a song of protection. And a brave big sister seeks a chance to save her brother.

Meet the family of baby Moses in this lyrical retelling, and see how God’s faithfulness can be revealed through one small person who takes a big risk for someone she loves.

Walking Toward Peace
She gave up everything: her home, her possessions, even her real name. She called herself Peace Pilgrim, put on her sneakers, and started off on her quest to walk thousands of miles all around America. Step by step, mile after mile, Peace Pilgrim traveled tirelessly, inviting everyone she met to consider a world where each person and each nation chooses peace.

This true story about a little-known woman who sacrificed everything for her convictions inspires us to step out for what we believe in, gathering others to join us along the way.

Arthur and the Forgetful Elephant
“Maybe I can help!” exclaimed Arthur.

At least he hopes he can. But how? What does this forgetful elephant need? Arthur doesn’t know, but he’s determined to find out as he and the elephant share a playful and colorful day.

Arthur and the Forgetful Elephant explores memory loss from the perspective of both those who forget and those around them. With spare writing and poignant art, this story reminds us that compassion and togetherness can make even elephant-sized problems seem a little smaller.

El maravilloso grano de mostaza
Una niña siembra un grano de mostaza en un jardín que está vacío. Es un granito chiquito. Y todavía no es nada muy especial… todavía no».

¡El maravilloso grano de mostaza está ahora disponible en español! Este libro para la niñez, inspirado en la parábola de Jesús del grano de mostaza, muestra a los niños y niñas que una semillita, como una niña pequeña, tiene un potencial increíble. El maravilloso grano de mostaza presenta a personajes étnicamente diversos e incluye una nota especial para padres, madres y el personal docente.

“A child plants a mustard seed in an empty garden. It is an itty-bitty seed. It isn’t anything very special—yet.”

The Marvelous Mustard Seed is now available in Spanish! Based on Jesus’ parable of the Mustard Seed, this inspiring children’s book shows young readers that one tiny seed—just like one small child—carries a world of potential. The Marvelous Mustard Seed features ethnically diverse characters and includes a special note for parents and teachers.

Browse all Picture Book Bundles

Save money and stock your library quickly with our Picture Book Bundles! Start browsing at the button below.

Please Note: We can currently only ship to customers in the United States. For our international distributors, please contact us at

PC(USA) Store
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(800) 533-4371

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