Monday, May 18, 2009

Word from Thailand: "Nightlight Praise and Prayer"

Annie Dieselberg heads the staff at NightLight, a ministry in urban Bangkok, Thailand, that reaches out to women and children working in the bar areas of the Nana-Sukhumvit district. Located in a neighborhood with a growing sex trade, Nightlight’s vision is to share the Light of the world in both word and deed to those who live in darkness, and to combat the sexual exploitation of women and children, both Thai and foreign.

Stretching our Faith (link to prayer requests below)
We are in exciting times that stretch our faith. As I have been recovering from knee surgery, my desire to walk, climb stairs, and have full strength for ministry has motivated me to push through a lot of discomfort and even pain to stretch my muscles and restore them.

In the same way, the challenges of economic crisis have put many of us in positions where we feel disabled or less able to give and support others. It hurts to keep moving forward and some churches and individuals are cutting back to minimize the risks.

God is asking us to stretch our faith muscles through the discomfort to restore us to a place where we can climb above the challenges around us. God rewarded Abraham
because of his faith and as we keep moving forward in faith, keep sowing generously and continue to declare the good news of what God is doing we will see God's blessing.

Much of our praise report this month is gratitude for so many who are living out the faith that God asks of us. There are still many churches and individuals who are stretching their faith muscles and increasing their giving! They and so many of you have continued to bless us and we are grateful.

We can say, as in 2 Corinthians: 8, "We want you to know about the gace that God has given the Macedonian churches (you). Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints."

We are humbled and encouraged by your faithful generosity both through prayer and support.
Praise and Gratitude,
Annie Dieselberg

CLICK HERE to read Nighlight's praise, and prayer requests

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