“Trafficked women from East Africa were rescued and sent home after learning jewelry skills to equip them on their return," Dieselberg writes in this latest post at Annie's Journal. "It was exciting to see some of our NL women taking the time to teach skills to the women and to see them sharing their lives with one another."
Right now, the greatest need at NightLight is to sell more jewelry. NightLight Design Co., Ltd. is a registered jewellery business which employs women coming out of prostitution or having been at risk of prostitution and/or trafficking. If you are interested in hosting a jewelry party please write to Charity at charity@nightlightusa.org . Charity will assist you in setting that up. Remember the beautiful jewelry is also available on-line at http://www.nightlightbangkok.com/ . "God is going before us to the bars preparing the way. He is sending us to receive the women and give hope," Annie writes. "We ask you to join us in this adventure. Thank you to those of you who already do. You are saving lives!"
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