A message from Chris Laufer, Coordinator, Faces of Children
"When he attends to the prayer of the wretched,
He won't dismiss their prayer.
Write this down for the next generation
so people not yet born will praise God:
'God looked out from his high holy place;
from heaven he surveyed the earth.
He listened to the groans of the doomed,
he opened the doors of their death cells.'”
Psalm 102:17-20 The Message//Remix by Eugene Peterson
Greetings, Faces of Children Intercessor,
Do you know how a word or phrase will jump out at you when you read scripture sometimes? The word "wretched" was like that for me. It really stood out as I read this paraphrase of Psalm 102. Probably because I've felt quite wretched at times in my life and behaved quite wretchedly at others.
I decided to look up synonyms for "wretched" and see which ones fit this passage best. The list of synonyms began under the heading "miserable" and included the adjectives "desolate," "heartbroken," "pitiful," and "dejected." Oh boy, those would definitely be suitable in this passage. They describe the human condition of "being wretched" pretty well. Thanks be to God for attending to the prayers of the heartbroken and the dejected. Thanks be to God for not dismissing my prayers when I am miserable, pitiful, or desolate.
There was another list of synonyms for "wretched" under the heading "shameful." They included the adjectives "vile," "worthless," "inferior," and "despicable." Even though the words sounded harsh, I think they would also be very suitable in this passage. They describe the human condition of "wretchedly behavior" quite well. Thanks be to God for attending to the prayers of those who behave vilely or despicably. Thanks be to God for not dismissing my prayers when I have behaved shamefully or wickedly. Thanks be to God for not dismissing my prayers when I feel worthless or inferior, when I choose to ignore that I am a child of God created in God's image
Please join us on Wednesday, July 15, 2009, at 11:30 a.m. in the Bride's room at First Presbyterian Church-Midland, to pray for God's precious children - the dejected, the despised, the overlooked. Following our time of prayer, we'll have lunch ($5) and fellowship.
It is great consolation to know that our gracious God attends to and doesn't dismiss our prayers. And greater still to know that God hears and answers them. Thanks be to God! And thank you for praying and caring for the children of our world-for those who are desolate and heartbroken; for those who feel worthless; and even for those who behave shamefully.
If you would like to share prayer celebrations or concerns about children or those who care for them, please send them to me at claufer@facesofchildren.net or give me a call. Thank you for your prayers for the children of the world!
Thank you,
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