Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Teichert Family Update ... Words for 2019

The family of Karl and Jenny Teichert are serving the Lord as missionaries with OC Africa, in South Africa. They moved to Johannesburg in November, 1997 with their four children; Ann, Scott, Stephen and John. Karl serves as the Southern Africa Director of the Southern Africa Regional Team. Their vision is to see a healthy, Bible-based church established in every unreached village and community in South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia and beyond. Their strategy is to partner with key African church leaders to research, train, and mobilize the body of Christ to complete the Great Commission. They are striving to equip local leaders in Southern Africa to reach their nations for Christ and send missionaries into other countries as well.

Words for 2019

Dear Family and Friends,

As we look ahead in 2019, the following are some words that can describe our ministry this year:

Discipling Caregivers –

Every day in Finetown, home-based caregivers are faced with many challenges. They care for many patients with a variety of illnesses, primarily TB and HIV/AIDS. Basic needs of the patients are scarce, and caregivers see many of their patients suffer and even die in their presence. Jenny’s hope is to care for the caregivers through providing for some of their many tangible needs, as well as through encouragement, counsel, and discipleship in the Word.

Please pray for wisdom as Jenny disciples and encourages them and for others in our community who have a heart to serve alongside her.

Developing Leaders –

The growth of the gospel and Church in Africa depends on maturing, godly leaders. We are grateful for the opportunity to build into the lives of leaders across Africa who can have a kingdom impact in their communities, nations, and regions. Karl is focused on internationally developing 8-12 strategic leaders in North, West, Central, East, and Southern Africa to deepen in their relationships with Christ and grow their ministries. It is our prayer that these leaders will collaborate for greater transformational outreach in their region of Africa.

Please pray for God’s leading and wisdom for Karl as he discovers the needs and potential of each African leader and meaningfully develops them for greater fruitfulness.

Coaching Movements –

Leaders can effectively grow through listening, asking powerful questions, and creating personal action. God continues to open many doors for Karl to come alongside leaders and teams to teach and practice coaching skills. The goal is to see movements of disciple-making churches multiply across Africa, particularly among the least reached peoples. Karl is looking forward to facilitating six to eight coaching skills workshops in West, East, and Southern Africa this year and personally coaching several teams to increase their church planting effectiveness.

Please pray for more open doors for Karl to facilitate coaching skills training and effectively empower leaders and teams to multiply movements of the gospel in Africa.

Thank you for your effective prayers and faithful financial support for us again this year. We are sincerely grateful to the Lord for your friendship and partnership in His mission!

Karl and Jenny

OC Africa is an interdenominational ministry committed to developing, equipping, and mobilizing church leaders to multiply healthy, Bible-based churches in every community in Southern Africa and the world. OC is a faith-based mission who depends on the Lord to provide committed, financial supporters and partners. The contributions from these individuals help generate ministry opportunities around the world, impact missionaries and their global work, and provide a means for the International Mobilization Center to function. CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can be a part of mobilizing church leaders around the world by donating to OC.

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