Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WAW Wednesday ... "So, What Can We Do?"

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Spiritual Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."

WAW Wednesday: "So, What Can We Do?"

Friends of The Word,

As 2020 started, activity for TWAW began with its usual BANG !! Houses and sewing centers being built. Dental missions being provided. Two shipping containers arrived with food and medical supplies, just in time for use in many areas of Belize. The septic system for a children’s home being updated as well as our annual board meeting with our partners in Belize. That is only a portion of the activities happening before March. Then March begins with teams having to cancel there trips due to Covid-19.

And that’s where we sit – waiting.

But we don’t like waiting, oh we’re just fine waiting on God – we know He’s working – preparing , providing, protecting His people. And we want to help !!

As this virus starts to invade Belize, and going to the store for food gets even more difficult for our Belizean friends, we are in a position to help. Our program called “FEED THE NEED” has been partially funded to allow Kenny and Chepito to provide food for those families in need quickly. Kenny is working hard to be able to buy food packages at a discounted rate to give out as needed. We know that the Government of Belize is providing food packages to some families, however we are not sure if this will be enough so we are hoping to help those who may not receive help from the Government. The travel and bus ban in Belize creates a bit of an issue, but we are confident that this door will be open to Kenny, Chepito and the feeding program directors as needed - prayers for this please !!

So what can you do to help? Please hit the Donate button below to contribute To “FEED THE NEED” Or simply mail a check to our office with the memo "Feed the Need" . You can also call our office at 806-342-3600 and speak to Jo Cole.

We hope and pray that the travel restrictions to Belize will be lifted as soon as safety allows, and that we can all continue our work with The Word.

Thank you all for loving and caring for TWAW and the people of Belize.

Ron Allen - Executive Director
Tim Tam - Spiritual Director

EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Ron and Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners?

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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