"A Little Quiet"
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given … And he will be called … Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
"IThere! They’re at it again. ‘ark, the errol hygel sings’ … Boxing Day [December 26] is only two and a half weeks ahead; then perhaps we shall have a little quiet in which to remember the birth of Christ."
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock, p. 310
"The Day on which the English give their gifts is Boxing Day, a public holiday that falls on the first weekday after Christmas. In the past, the English exchanged gifts among equals on Christmas Day, and gave gifts to those ‘socially inferior’ on the day after, probably wrapped in boxes; hence, the name ‘Boxing Day.’ It is also known in England as St. Stephen’s Day, named after the first Christian martyr."
"As a result, Lewis was not expecting the Prince of Peace to bring him peace until after Boxing Day, a day after Christmas Day itself, and after gifts had been given. While peace in the biblical sense men as far more than the absence of stress, Lewis was here thinking of the peace and quiet that a busy man, a famous and popular man, too seldom enjoyed."
"From the time of his BBC radio broadcasts in 1941, Lewis received many letters, probably a half-dozen to a dozen each day. As a result, he spent a lot of time answering those letters, and they seemed to come in greater numbers during the hristmas holidays. We don’t have to be famous to appreciate Lewis’ desire for a little quiet. In the midst of the busyness of the Advent season, we need to remember that God sent a child, a son, the Prince of Peace. He came to announce, ‘Peace on earth’ (Luke 2:14) for everyone who believes.”
Prince of Peace, give us peace of heart and mind, peace in the midst of busyness, and peace in the midst of quiet. Amen"
A Grand Miracle: Devotions for the Days of Advent based on thoughts of
C.S. Lewis by Dr. Joel Heck
A message from Chris Laufer, Coordinator, Faces of Children
Greetings, Faces of Children Prayer Partner,
On Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. in the Bride’s Room at First Presbyterian Church, Midland, I hope you will be able to join us for this time of prayer for the children of our world. We won’t have lunch that day as the church kitchen will still be closed (lunches will resume the following week).
Your prayers for children are much appreciated! If you have prayer concerns or celebrations about children at risk, those who care for them, have authority over them, or, yes, even those who harm them, please send them to me at at claufer@facesofchildren.net, or give me a call. Thank you for your prayers for the children of our community and world.
Advent blessings,
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