Friday, December 24, 2010

Word from West Texas: "A Christmas Song"

In August, 2008, John P. Van Dusen and his wife moved from Fort Collins, Colorado, to West Texas, to help build The Bridge,a contemporary worship service in a new space in a traditional Protestant church.

A Christmas Song

John writes, "A hoary frost clings to the inside of the window, muscling it's way in - unwanted, unwelcome - but altogether familiar. Mixing with the summer's untouched dust, it over ripens into winter's dirty complaint. A box below holds the reminders of Autumn: bats and baseballs, footballs, and tetherballs with frayed ropes. Faded red rubber kick balls, deflated by the cold, sit quietly like old pumpkins. The winter sun is a primeval bachelor today that illuminates without warmth, casting shadows so puny as to be chased away by a warm smile."
CLICK HERE to read the rest of John's post at Into the West Texas Sun

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