Thursday, December 4, 2008

Advent Reflections: December 4

Isaiah 11: 1-10

I smile as I recall the words of Woody Allen: "When the calf and the lion lie down together, the calf isn't going to get much sleep." Humor aside, Isaiah gives voice to a new vision of promise - a vision of a new way. God is promising, through thr words of Isaiah, , hope for a day of peace - a day of the soming of the Messiah. And the vision is that of a healed and whole, a reconciled and reordered creation.

Isaiah's vision inspired Edward Hicks, the 19th-century artist, to paint "The Peacable Kingdom. A huge rendition of the painting hangs in the downtown lobby of the largest bank in San Antonio, reminding customers of a day and time when violence will be no more. In that bank tapestry all the animals are there with wide and startled eyes. And in the middle, a child. No wonder! What the vision Isaiah saw and spoke of is nothing short of astonishing. Here is creation reordered, reorganized with all the violence gone. And a child in the center.

Advent promises such a day can come! In this season of Advent may these moving words nudge us to implore God to hasten the day when Isaiah's promise becomes reality in our troubled and strife-town world. Even so! Come, Lord Jesus!

In these days of candles and carols, crèche and cards, remind us, O God, that the meaning of these days is not the setting, but rather the birth of the One who brings light out of dark, victory from defeat, hope from despair, and life out of death. Uour name, O God, be ever praised through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

Louis H. Zbinden, Jr., Zbinden Professor of Pastoral Ministry
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

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