Thursday, June 20, 2013

FBC-Midland Belize Mission: For the Kids

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to a error on my part, I am TWO WEEKS LATE getting to these reports! "Better late than never," I hope ... there's some good stuff in FBC's posts, and I still want to share them.

A team from First Baptist Church of Midland is in Belize, working with the Toledo Christian Academy’s faculty and students, as well as the community around the school which desperately needs to be reached for Jesus. You can read about the team's daily work at their blog.

For the Kids

I missed talking about our prayer walking the children’s playground in yesterday’s blog, so I want to be sure to include it today. A structure that began as a giant sandbox bordered by concrete, grew into a full fledged playground – complete with roof to protect from rain and sun, a fence to protect from animals and a set of equipment on which to swing and climb ...

... The ongoing efforts of our mission teams from year to year have created this facility to serve the children by providing a safe, clean and protective area in which to play. As we prayed over the playground, we were reminded of how Jesus welcomed the little children and made an example of how important these little ones are to Him. We not only prayed for their safety and their joy in just being children; but also, that each child who entered the playground would make the decision to “make Jesus the boss of his or her life.”

read the rest of this post
visit the FBC-Midland Belize Mission weblog

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