Thursday, June 11, 2020

CRS Briefing ... Your steady support can make a difference all year long

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.The CRS Briefing is a monthly service to our supporters. We aspire to keep you informed of our progress and up-to-date on issues that affect the people we serve in more than 100 countries around the world.

Your steady support can make a difference all year long

Because you’ve shown such devotion to people in need, I’m inviting you to join our monthly giving program, Footsteps in Faith.

Through generous gifts like yours during CRS Rice Bowl and throughout the year, suffering people already receive God’s loving aid. Your steady support can make a difference in lives around the world, now more than ever. A monthly gift at this time will bring a great amount of hope.

Joining Footsteps in Faith today can provide hope every month during this unprecedented worldwide crisis.

As a monthly supporter, you will continue to fund the delivery of humanitarian aid. For example, in Nigeria, communities have already received 500 hand-washing stations and bars of soap, along with special COVID-19 awareness trainings during food distributions. Hope is already arriving.

The powerful decision to join others in Footsteps in Faith will ensure help is ready every month when and where it’s needed most, uplifting a woman, man or child in incredible ways.

Your prayers and support help people devastated by COVID-19 who already suffered greatly from drought, lack of food, poverty, disease and other critical issues. You give them hope and save lives. I’m praying you will decide to join today, so together, we can increase our lifesaving work around the world.

Please know you’re an essential partner in our efforts to provide God’s loving aid to people in great need.

Your support is vital. In these unprecedented times, there’s hope when we help each other.

Become a Footsteps in Faith member today to join our group of cherished monthly donors and increase your impact right away.

Peace and light,

Sean L. Callahan
President & CEO
Catholic Relief Services

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