Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Reflections: December 7

Psalm 145

The Advent season allows us much needed time to prepare our heart and mind for the coming of Jesus into this world. And most of these days are spent either in hearing the texts that foretell of Jesus’ coming or in acknowledging our sins and the reason Jesus had to come.

But today’s scripture is a little different. Psalm 145 invites us to meditate on God’s glories and to praise God for all the reasons God is worthy to be praised. It reminds us of God’s eternal nature, of God’s glorious kingdom, and of the wondrous things that God is and does for us. This is a day we can set aside to praise God—to give thanks to God for all that God is, and for all that God has given to us in our lives.

We who are finite and mere mortals, we have been created lovingly by this infinite and Holy One, the One who gives every aspect of Godself to us, the God whose Word became flesh. As we prepare our heart and mind this Advent season, let us do so with a repentant heart, yes, but let us also do so joyously, celebrating not our own works, but God’s wonder and God’s holiness. For this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Prayer: Merciful and Gracious God, without you I am nothing. You are slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. For this and all things I give you thanks. Please help me this day to remember your greatness, your love, your Spirit. For you are more than worthy of my praise, and so I praise you, Lord, this and every day.

Carrie Finch
(MDiv ’09)
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

CLICK HERE to listen to each day's devotional.

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