Saturday, September 21, 2019

From @mmm_water ... 2019 Well Season: Daily Devotional

September 14 - October 28 is Marion Medical Mission Well Season for 2019. The season will include daily devotionals - one for each day the U.S. volunteers are overseas, sharing the love of Jesus by providing safe, clean, sustainable sources of drinking water to the extreme poor in sub-Saharan Africa. Marion Medical Mission is one of our mission partners at Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas, and we STRONGLY encourage you to read these devotions to learn more about - and pray for! - their mission.

September 21, 2019

Tiffany Poch
Volunteer, Colorado

“I lift my eyes up to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Few moments are so clear in my memory as when I “tipped” my truck in Tanzania. I had woken that morning with the following lyrics stuck in my head: “You’re God of the hills and valleys!” The song (Hills and Valleys by Tauren Wells) helped to calm my anxiety about driving a manual pick-up truck on rough roads to increasingly remote villages. I knew that despite my own inadequacies, God, the Maker of heaven and earth, was with me.

But to be honest, I had a hard time reconciling this with what would happen later that afternoon. We were about two hours from town at our farthest well for the day. Suddenly, I felt one wheel and then the other slide off the road. I soon realized that my hand was resting on solid ground through the rolled-down driver side window. Admittedly, I was more than a little upset. How could God let this happen when I was sure he had called me to do this?

Finally, after much wrestling, God made something clear to me. Following God doesn’t mean bad things will not happen. It does mean, however, that He will be there when they do. Looking back, I can clearly see His presence in that moment. Neither I, nor any of the exceptionally large crew I was working with, were hurt. The truck was still very drivable after the help of some amazing people who came from all sorts of distances to help. Not only that, but because this happened, we were blessed to spend some extra time in a village where I was able to bond with about thirty sweet, precious children. Ironically enough, this became my highlight of the trip.

The Lord who created the mountains is always with us. He does not promise that things will be easy, but He does promise to be there, even when they are not.

Application Question: What are some difficult situations the Lord is asking you to walk through? How do you see Him walking with you?

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for always being our help when we face difficult situations. Please help us to never forget that You are always with us, even when things don’t go according to plan.

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