Friday, May 15, 2020

From ServLife International ... "DAILY MANNA: Your Father knows what you need."

ServLife International is a movement defined by values of God’s kingdom, not programs built around human efforts and activities. The reign and rule of God should be made apparent to every person on the planet, despite their religion, race or socioeconomic status. We believe that issues of justice are inseparable from the good news that Jesus Christ came to proclaim. ServLife exists to take the gospel of Christ and the hope of a better, more just, world to the lives of people we touch. This happens through individual contributions of time, creativity, resources and dreams.

ServLife Photo
Daily Manna

Luke 12:29-31 reads, "Don't chase after what you will eat and what you will drink. Stop worrying. All the nations of the world long for these things. Your Father knows that you need them. Instead, desire his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well."

We live in a time of panic, worry and fear. It's hard to remember that God is sovereign and cares about each and every one of us.

In Steve Farrar's book, Manna, he states, "[God] will be there for you in your youth and until you have finished your appointed days. No one can stay His hand or His purpose for you. He will care and He will carry you."

He goes on, "The economy, the administration, the rebellious child. Whatever it is that has you discouraged, He will be the same and He will be faithful."

It was the last day of April, and ServLife just barely had enough funds for the month. We didn't have enough to start May properly, and at the end of the day we learned that our SBA loan was approved and we will have the funds within a few days. God is providing his daily manna.

I don't know everything that you are facing right now, but I do know that God is WITH you through it all. He will provide what you need. Maybe not what you want and maybe not the provision you were expecting, and maybe not without trial and challenges. But he is with you.

Please email me back and let me know what you are currently facing and how I can be praying for you.

Thank you!

From Adam Nevins
Executive Director
ServLife International Inc.

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ServLife International propels reconciliation and justice by building global community to plant churches, care for children and fight poverty. Compelled by the message, life and love of Jesus Christ, we seek to care for the spiritual, physical, social, and economic areas of life in northern India and Nepal.  Learn more about our latest news, featured stories, and how to get involved at

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The HOPE Fund, our micro-finance program, provides start-up funds for a small business, paving a way out of poverty for families in need.
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ServLife International, Inc.
P.O. Box 20596
Indianapolis, IN 46220

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