Prayer Concerns for the week of 12/17/08
India and Sri Lanka
• Please keep the children and families of southern India and Sri Lanka in prayer as they deal with the aftereffects of Cyclone Nisha, a powerful storm that struck in late November and hit the same area as the 2004 tsunami.
• Pray for the estimated one million people who have been displaced by this recent cyclone.
• Pray that children and their families will have suitable shelter, clean water sources, food and medical care, and that they will be able to return to their homes, schools and businesses soon.
A report from alertnet.org
Another report from alertnet.org
• Pray for the staff and volunteers of Christ Children Evangelism in Pakistan as they work with children who are poor, disabled, and/or orphaned.
• Pray that God will provide the resources they need to help these children and to organize a Christmas Children’s Rally this month.
• Please keep the children and people of Thailand in prayer as their country deals with political turmoil and government instability once again. Pray that God will encourage and sustain those working with children at risk during this unpredictable time.
• Give thanks to God for the work of the staff and volunteers with NightLight ministry in Bangkok. www.nightlightbangkok.com
○ Pray for the women and girls who have left a life of prostitution and now earn their living making jewelry at NightLight. Thank God that they are now in a safe place and are able to learn about the saving love of Jesus Christ.
○ Pray for the women waiting to come to work at NightLight—that God will provide the resources necessary to hire these women who are desperate to leave the brothels and bars.
○ Pray for the new babies born to NightLight women this year and thank God that the babies are able to stay at the new NL child care center instead of being sent away to grandparents.
○ Pray for the safety of the NightLight children, many of whom are vulnerable to exploitation or trafficking.
○ Thank God for the rescue and repatriation of eight women from Uzbekistan this past year. Please pray for the safety of these women and their children and pray they won’t be retrafficked into prostitution.
United States
• Please keep Matthew, a 6th grade student who has battled cancer since he was 6 years old, held close in prayer.
○ Pray that Matthew and his family may experience the comforting peace and presence of Jesus Christ throughout this frightening experience.
○ Pray that God will heal the new malignancy recently found in Matthew’s lungs.
○ Pray that he might live a cancer free life.
• Pray for all children who have cancer—that they might also experience the victory that only Christ can deliver.
• Pray for the medical and research personnel working with pediatric cancer patients. Pray that they might always display compassion for and patience with their small patients.
• Please pray for 1-year-old Josiah and his foster family. His foster parents would very much like to adopt Josiah, but his biological father has decided to try to gain custody for financial reasons.
○ Pray that all parties involved would act in Josiah’s best interest.
○ Pray that God will give the case workers, lawyers and judges clarity and discernment in this case.
• Pray for Ashton, Elizabeth and Robert and for their mother Emily who is facing major medical issues.
Faces of Children
• Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.
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