The Computer Invasion
by Katie Askren
"Oh, Halleluiah!" rang out the call. God has answered one of our prayers and sent a computer for the children to use. All the staff was abuzz with excitement as I behgan kooking up their brand new computer and installing the software.Computers are a much more exotic concept to the general public in Thailand than to us Americans. They still look on them with wonder, and don't fully understand their capacity
The children crowded around their new prize as soon as they heard the news. Who would be the first to get to use it? I jumped at the opportunity, and began teaching a class in the evening to some of the older students. They willo learn how to write a newsletter and I will post it on their website, and e-mail it to their mailing list. It is something that the home has been wanting to do for a while, but the stafrf doesn't have the knowledge or time to put something like this together, so I am using the skills God gave me, to encourage the children into taking on this task on a monthly basis.
CLICK HERE to read the rest of Katie's report from Thailand

CLICK HERE to read the rest of Katie's report from Thailand
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