In conjunction with a new addition to Midland's Christian community, comes a new addition to Midland's corner of the blogosphere.
"Since September a group called the New Worship Service Design Team has been meeting and hammering out all the details for the new service," Dolce J writes in this post at Into the West Texas Sun. "The new service will be called The Bridge and it will start up at 11 am on January 25th, 2009."
This "new" blog has actually been up-and-running for four months.
"In August of 2008 my wife and I moved from Fort Collins, Colorado, to the comparative isolation of West Texas," Dolce J writes in his profile. "My job is to help build a contemporary worship service in a new space in a traditional Protestant church. God help them and me!"
That church, by the way, is First Presbyterian Church of Midland, located at the corner of A and Texas streets, on the west edge of downtown Midland. The blog provides plenty of photos and text describing the rennovations done to the church's old chapel in preparation for its new mission.
"Since September a group called the New Worship Service Design Team has been meeting and hammering out all the details for the new service," Dolce J writes in this post at Into the West Texas Sun. "The new service will be called The Bridge and it will start up at 11 am on January 25th, 2009."
This "new" blog has actually been up-and-running for four months.

That church, by the way, is First Presbyterian Church of Midland, located at the corner of A and Texas streets, on the west edge of downtown Midland. The blog provides plenty of photos and text describing the rennovations done to the church's old chapel in preparation for its new mission.
I hope you'll consider adding Into the West Texas Sun to your blogroll. Also, begining January 25, feel free to stop by First Prez-Midland on Sunday mornings at eleven, and say 'hello' and 'welcome' to the actual person ... you can call him 'John.'
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