Issued by ChinaAid, December, 2008 ...
BEIJING, CHINA – On December 4, 2008 Pastor “Bike” Zhang Mingxuan attempted to file an “Administrative Statement of Complaint” against the government decision to abolish the Chinese House Church Alliance, but the court refused to accept the case. In support of the Chinese House Church Alliance, 15 Chinese Christian legal professionals and intellectuals have issued a formal solemn declaration against the actions of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, stating in part, “If this order of abolishment continues to be used in other expanded areas, this could well cause the abolishment of all the Christian house churches.” The actions of Pastor Bike and the legal professionals are in protest of the Ministry of Civil Affairs “Decision Statement on Abolishment” of the Chinese House Church Alliance announced on November 28. The same morning the abolishment was announced, officers arrested 17 Christians and an American reporter who were holding a prayer meeting in the residence of Pastor Bike.
Friends of ChinaAid Visit Family of Christian Prisoner
BEIJING, CHINA – Recently friends of ChinaAid visited Christian prisoner Shi Weihan’s family and reported to ChinaAid about the family’s situation and ongoing persecution by the Chinese government. Christian bookstore owner and house church leader, Shi Weihan, has been imprisoned in Beijing Haidian District Detention Center since March 19, 2008 for printing and distributing Bibles and other Christian literature. No charges have ever been filed against Shi Weihan. He is being held under "administrative detention" and could be held up to three years without any charges. Shi Weihan’s wife is bearing much of the burden for their family. Authorities continue to pressure the family. It is reported that Shi Weihan’s brother has been beaten by police for his involvement with Shi Weihan’s Christian bookstore.
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