Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Faces of Children: Prayer Requests

Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Our mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, we seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children).

Prayer Concerns for the week of 03/25/09

Haiti (New Canaan Orphanage)
• Pray for the health, energy, and safety of the mission team from the United States as they serve and minister in Haiti. Pray for the children of New Canaan Orphanage with whom the mission team will spend time.
• Pray that this team will be effective witnesses of Christ’s love to the children and people with whom they come in contact at the community medical clinic they will operate. Please pray that all of the medicines and orphanage supplies they bring will make it through customs and not be stolen.
• Pray that the team will have a successful outreach day and be able to enroll more children in the malnutrition clinic, Medika mamba.
• Please keep the long term missionaries serving in Haiti in prayer and give thanks that the mission team will be able to spend time with them, providing support, encouragement, listening ears, and prayer.

• Please keep the children and people of Madagascar in prayer as a power struggle between the president and an opposition leader threatens the stability and economy of this country. Pray for a peaceful resolution to this situation. Pray that the president and the opposition leader will show a willingness to work with one another to resolve this conflict.
A report from the
Another report from
Another report from
• Pray for the safety of several missionaries and their children (with ties to Faces of Children intercessors) who are serving in Madagascar at this time.
• Give thanks to God for the successful Christian-based peer education program in 14 locations around Madagascar. Middle and high school students are trained in positive life skills and to understand and prevent HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. They are encouraged to share with their peers what they have learned in this training. Thanks be to God that schools are recognizing the importance of this program and seeking ways to continue it even after the first class of peer educators graduate.

Southeast Asia
• Please keep 7-year-old Tuong held close in prayer and ask that God would place healing arms around her. Tuong was born into a poor family and became fatherless shortly after her birth. When Tuong was 2 years old, she was diagnosed with a lung tumor and had that removed; however, her health didn’t improve. Her mother couldn’t care for this sick child or the rest of her children without any income so Tuong and an older brother were placed in a Homes of Love home.
• Pray that Tuong will be allowed to leave her country and travel to another country that can diagnose and treat her condition. Pray for healing and comfort for Tuong whose health has been declining rapidly the last eight months.

United States
• Please pray that God would comfort 9-year-old Lisa* and provide this emotionally neglected little girl with supportive and compassionate mentors.
   ◦ Pray that the tension between Lisa and her 18-year-old stepmother would ease. Lisa’s stepmother treats her with contempt. The stepmother is also jealous of any attention Lisa’s 50-year-old father gives his daughter. Pray for this hurting family—for understanding to replace scorn and derision.
• Give thanks to God that Kahlan is doing well following surgery to repair her broken neck.
   ◦ Praise God that she has full motion in her arms and legs and can feel heat and cold. Kahlan’s doctors believe she will make a full recovery. Several weeks ago, Kahlan fell off a swing set, breaking her neck at the site of an existing congenital deformity.
   ◦ Pray that God will comfort Kahlan and her family throughout this scary and painful experience.
   ◦ Please pray that this little girl will heal completely—she will have to be in a halo system for six months.
* Name changed for confidentiality and/or protection.

Faces of Children
• Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.

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