Tuesday, March 3, 2009

West Texas Mission Opportunities:
Invitation to Prayer

Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Our mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, we seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children).

A message from Chris Laufer, Coordinator, Faces of Children

"“Have mercy on me, O God …” Psalm 51:1

“God’s mercy is greater than our sins. There is an awareness of sin that does not lead to God but to self-preoccupation. Our temptation is to be so impressed by our sins and failings and so overwhelmed by our lack of generosity that we get stuck in a paralyzing guilt. It is the guilt that says: ‘I am too sinful to deserve God’s mercy.’ It is the guilt that leads to introspection instead of directing our eyes to God. It is the guilt that has become an idol and therefore a form of pride. Lent is the time to break down this idol and to direct our attention to our loving Lord. The question is: ‘Are we like Judas, who was so overcome by his sin that he could not believe in God’s mercy any longer and hanged himself, or are we like Peter who returned to his Lord with repentance and cried bitterly for his sins?’ The season of Lent, during which winter and spring struggle with each other for dominance, helps us in a special way to cry out for God’s mercy.”

"Lord, cleanse me of my hard-heartedness. Help me embrace your infinite mercy and love in my life.”
Christ Our Hope, daily Lenten devotions compiled from the writings of Henri J.M. Nouwen

The devotion above was intended for Ash Wednesday and would have been perfect in last week’s mailing. However, I was so preoccupied with not feeling well (a pesky cold), that I took the easy route and didn’t include scripture or a Lenten devotion when I sent out last week’s prayer requests.

I decided to go ahead and use it this week, though, because Nouwen’s reminder that paralyzing guilt can become its own form of idolatry was a wakeup call for me, and perhaps it might be for you, too. Quite often, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to self-critical analysis. Control and perfectionism issues also feed into this inner battle. Nouwen’s words are helping me begin the season of Lent with my attention focused squarely on God. On what will your attention be focused?
This coming Wednesday, March, 2009, we will meet to pray for children at risk at 11:30 a.m. in the Bride's room at First Presbyterian Church, Midland. I hope you are able to join us for prayer and then stay for lunch ($5) and fellowship.

Thank you for your compassion for the children of our community and our world. Thank you for lifting them before God in prayer. If you would like to share prayer celebrations or concerns about children or those who care for them, please send them to me at claufer@facesofchildren.net or give me a call. Thank you for your prayers for the children of the world!

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,

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