Friday, March 6, 2009

"In the News"
Seeking to 'Bridge' the Gap of Worship Styles

Megan Lea Buck
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Midland Reporter-Telegram

MIDLAND, TEXAS - First Presbyterian Church is building a bridge between those who were raised in the church and those who were not, between those who feel comfortable in traditional Christian worship services and those who may not. As the posters and advertisements for their new service explain, it is a bridge between new worship and an ancient faith.

"The Bridge is the new service at First Presbyterian Church in Midland," said John Van Dusen, minister of worship and arts. "It is to be exactly as it's titled -- a bridge as a way of bridging the gap ... of differences between people and how we go about worship in our faith."

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the MRT story
CLICK HERE to visit John's blog, "Into the West Texas Sun"
CLICK HERE to vist The Bridge online

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