Sunday, August 31, 2014

Build It Again," one colorful plastic brick at a time ... Pt. 1: The Problem

Just a few weeks ago, our youngest departed for college in some strange land 'up north' called Oklahoma. My wife and I are now 'empty nesters' ... seeking answers to profound questions that delve deep into the mind, the heart and the soul ... asked by parents who have found themselves in similar circumstances over countless generations ... such as ...

"What do we do with all these LEGOs?"

The potential for our being overwhelmed by an ava-LEGO-lanche is there. We have a LOT of them around the house, accrued over the years by children - and their parents! - who loved to build, to create ... whether it was carefully following the instructions on the package, or tackling something they had seen during a trip to LEGOland, or following their own flights of fancy.

But those flights of fancy are now pursuing new courses, set for new destinations, building upon foundations made of something other than bright-colored plastic. So ...

"What do we do with all these LEGOs?"

As in turns out, speaker, artist and author Ben Glenn - who visited us at First Presbyterian Church of Midland earlier this year - may have the answer ...

"I’ve been a passionate lover of brick play since childhood," Ben writes. I’ll be honest and admit that I lost touch with my passion once I graduated high school. Once I had kids though, it all came back with a vengeance! Build it Again Brick is a personal project that I’ve created to share my love of LEGO with kids who don’t have a LEGO kit of their own. If you have LEGOs that are looking for a good home, I’m going to help them get there!"

So, with the blessings of our kiddos, I'm going to give Ben and "Build It Again Brick" a try ... I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.

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